Franchise Frequently Asked Questions

Below are franchise frequently asked questions we’ve received from prospective franchisors. If your franchise frequently asked questions are not addressed below, please contact us and we will be happy to discuss your specific questions.

We begin our list of franchise frequently asked questions with one of the most common questions we receive from prospective clients. Determining when to franchise your business begins by first evaluating the entire business operation — its products and/or services; staffing and management; site and location requirements; equipment, fixtures and furnishings; employee training protocols; trade dress; customer service and satisfaction; sources of supply; advertising and marketing programs; etc. This will help you determine whether each component of your business has been fully developed and systemized to the extent that others can be trained to duplicate the entire operating system. This may be validated through the opening of additional company-owned locations that experience similar levels of success. The evaluation process should include analyzing key competitors in order to identify the company’s unique attributes/competitive advantages in addition to determining whether other geographic areas are conducive for the company’s products and/or services. Experiencing great success in a single market is no guarantee that the same level of success can or will be achieved elsewhere. A final step in the evaluation process includes determining whether the company’s current management team is qualified, willing and available to assist others in developing, opening and operating additional locations. It is crucial to the success of the franchise company and its franchisees that the company’s infrastructure be designed to support the high level of assistance, training and support typically required by franchisees.